lever de soleil sur le mont-blanc


The classement of theMont-Blanc mountain range:
Since 1951 the Mont-Blanc mountain range has been classified in its entirety for all parts over 2000 metres in altitude.
Consequently, all the glaciers and peaks have benefited from important protection measures for over half a century. 
In the near future, the objective is to class the Mont Blanc Mountain range as a  «World Heritage site».

After the creation of the major national parks, the natural reserves were established, which was one way of protecting them..

Inside the area surrounding the Mont-Blanc there are five natural reserves, which is 5% of the national reserves and 25% of the regional reserves !


  •   in the south by the Vanoise
  •  in the south-east be the Grand Paradis
  •  the west by the Sixt reserve
  •  and to the north-east by the Mont-Blanc area

The whole of the Chamonix valley is concerned by the protection of nature.

Respecting the natural environnement and developing all the touristic structures can sometimes be challenging. As much as possible, the environmental impact of the ski-lifts is constantly controled, even though they are spread about. Otherwise the re-habilitation of touristic wasteland is in progress regularly, while the overhead cables are being removed and buried underground. 

Concerning the preservation of the air quality, and to limit vehicle pollution, the public transport, throughout the year, within the valley is free to all locals, holiday home owners and tourists on both the buses and trains.